Friday, December 5, 2008

NJ Marathon 4/07 1st Marathon

My First Marathon Race report:Wow...... that was really hard! :o)As usual I set a high goal for myself and started off running with a pacer to finish at 3:30. I stayed with him for most of the first half of the race and clocked 1:44 It was at that point that it suddenly became really hard! I slowly started dropping back for the entire second half of the race. Once the 3:45 pacer passed me I thought it was a good time to change my goal, and decide that ld be happy to just finish at this point. :o). I finished the second half in 2:12 for a total race chip time of.....3:57.29.From mile 17 to mile 26 there was several times when I thought i wasnt going to make it, but I just kept on going as Dean mentions and finally made it to a very glorious finish.
In between mile 12 and 13 I started to feel a little sluggish for the first time in the race. I took a vanilla bean GU out of my shorts pocket as I was coming up to a water station. I never could stomach them, but I knew I would have to get some energy into my body somehow. I squeezed it into my mouth, but nearly gagged on it. I held it in my mouth as I ran up to the guy holding a water cup for me cause I figured I would wash it down with the water. The poor guy handing me the water cup him it must of looked like I was foamimg at the mouth , cause my mouth was opened with this white GU in there and he had a look of terror on his face like he thought I was having a siezure or something.I tried to drink it down but ended up just spitting it all on the floor. This was a good learning experience for me. From now on for me it will only be solid food, maybe Sports beans or Shot blocks or something.Later at mile 18 I grabbed a handful of Gummy Bears and started chewing on them, but at the end of this station there were orange slices that looked amazing so I swollowed about 3 or 4 of the gummy bears whole and grabbed 3 orange slices and wolfed them down!! They were the greatest thing on earth at the time.At about mile 22 when everyone else was turning left......I was in LALA land and kept going straight even though there were cones set up to stear me to the left. If it werent for the guy behind me calling out to me ....hey you're going the wrong way. I was about to run straight through the cones and start my own course.I really had no specific problems at all the entire race other then losing overall energy , legs felt good ( no specific pain) and breathing was good.

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