Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Self-Transcendence Marathon 8/25/2009

A marathon on a tuesday morning?
9 loops around a lake?
Serving cups of seaweed at the drink stations?
Yup its the The Self-Transcendence Marathon and I ran it for the 3rd time this year.
If you can dodge the smell of BO from some of the Europeans in this race that for some strange reason don't feel it necessary to wear deodorant..... its actually a great race. I don't say that to be rude, but I've run this race 3 years in a row now and its the same every year. I just don't get it. Anyway...I just find it a little strange.
Since this is an August race, I don't ever expect a pr, I do it for pure enjoyment and training.
The first year I ran it in 2007 was the longest it ever took me to finish a marathon, 4:30 because it was 90 degrees and humid out.
Second year I finished in 3:55 and this year I finished in 3:53.
I'm not a big fan of multiple loop races, but they do have their advantages, well atleast one advantage....You can keep your own cooler right on the course as a personal aid/drink station. It takes a little time away stopping at your cooler, but its worth the ice cold drinks and its really only seconds if you do it right.
The race went well for me this year, I kept my pace right around 8:30 a mile for the first 15 miles or so, and then dropped back just a little bit towards the second half of the race as it got a little warmer.
The great Ultra runner David James was running it this year, as if it wasn't enough getting lapped over and over by him 2 weeks ago at the Turkey Swamp 50k, now he lapped me a couple more times yesterday. Really good guy though, always throws words of encouragement at you as he runs by.
Also my friend David Lee was running it again this year, always nice to see David. We've run a few Marathons together now and are both running the NF DC 50 miler next month.

By the way, I always pass on the seaweed. I really don't know how anyone could stomach it while running a Marathon. Where do they get it from anyway? Are they pulling it right from the lake we are running around? I even have to look away when I see someone else slurping it down. Ewww.

I do really enjoy running this race, its nearby to where I grew up, it's
around a beautiful lake, and the race is very well done by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon team.


David L said...

Don't forget about the bio plasma they were giving out. What is that anyways? Boold ? Lol. I was tempted to try one out of curiosity

David L said...

I meant blood

Mike C-NJ said...

I pass on the blood also. lol

Runner Tammy said...


By the way, the volunteers insisted the Seaweed would make you run faster! I don't think this is true but I humored the volunteers by taking some. The texture was odd (like a thinly sliced gummy) and it was moderately salty.

After eating seaweed the first 5 laps I ended up with sour stomach. Not sure if it was the heat or seaweed. Regardless, I do think seaweed is an acquired taste.