Friday, December 5, 2008

Pocono Marathon 5/08

I was able to start running pretty strong this week for the first time since my 50 miler 3 weeks ago. So I made a last minute decision on saturday night to run the Pocono Marathon in PA this morning. I felt the need to answer that question again.....Whats wrong? Boredom and my addiction were calling me.
It was a point to point marathon , a first for me. Touted as a downhill race,....part of the reason I convinced myself to try it. I was a bit nervous about how I would do since I've only been back running for a week now, 3 times, and 8 miles the longest.I'll try to make this a quick report.I felt really good for the first 16 miles or so and then I started to feel the pain come back into my legs from 2 weeks ago. There was a lot more up hills then the website made it seem and thank goodness because the downhills were killing my knees. With every step I had shooting pain through both my knees and my pulled right quad that I thought was healed was now back. My pace slowed from 8min, to 9 min, to 10 min, and I was able to suffer through the pain keeping the 10 min pace through the last 6 miles or so. I finished in 3:49. I havent seen the results, so I'm not sure of my placement yet. This was one of the harder races for me. I did jump in an ice bath as soon as I got home, and I am actually feeling pretty good right now as long as I dont get up.

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