Friday, August 1, 2008

Dean Karnazes Documentary Report 50/50

As I was leaving my Manhattan office with all my running gear on, one coworker asked me "Where are you running today"? By the look on their face I don't think they were expecting me to say "Edgewater New Jersey to See the Dean Karnazes movie".

As I sat at the end of my chair watching the 50/50 Documentary, My wife and I couldn't help but feeling proud that we had the insight years ago to realize that Dean was doing something special.
The movie was inspiring, touching, funny, and moving on so many different levels. For the experienced runners, to the beginner runners, to the people who have not yet begun to run, it touches all and makes everyone realize how important it is to have passion and purpose in your life.
It was interesting to watch how Dean tries to cope with so many different variables that came along with running 50 in 50, his family, his new found stature, time constraints, the safety of the other runners, and of course the effects on his body of actually running 50 marathons in 50 days in 50 different states.

I think back now of when I was running over the George Washington Bridge on my way to the movie, marveling at the amazing spectacle of NY City, The Hudson River, and New Jersey and I am so thankful that Dean urged everyone to run to the theater.
Now, instead of my memory being sitting in the theater watching the Dean Karnazes movie,...... my memory will be running out of NY City over the George Washington bridge into NJ to see the Dean Karnazes movie.
I won't ever forget it.

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